Parkay Quarts - "Content Nausea"

Seeing Parkay Quarts, a.k.a. Parquet Courts, live at the intimate and classic venue DC9 will forever inform the way vocalist Andrew Savage’s singing reaches me. I’m not 100% certain, but I’m fairly sure that he alternated staring down members of the crowd while pummeling them with his trademark rapid fire stream of consciousness lyrics. On most of their records, it can become all too easy to overlook how fast the man sings, but watching him perform these songs in person while staring straight through me and other audiences members truly emphasized this talent. Well, “Content Nausea” captures that experience and even amplifies it. The song begins with a sauntering drum roll and polite yet punky guitar, before Savage’s word urgent but nonsensical monologue spills out and overtakes the song. Like it’s taken by a sudden bout of nausea, the instrumentation disintegrates from its previous structure to wailing noise. “Please stop!” it almost pleads, but thankfully Savage doesn’t. He wouldn’t be so savage if he did.

This track comes from Parquet Courts’ latest album via What’s Your Rupture?, which can be picked up here.

– Garrett Cottingham

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