Guerilla Toss - Smack the Brick EP
Everybody’s favorite funked-out, rock-out-with-your-pud-out, no-wave five-piece Guerilla Toss is back and funkier than ever with this new four track EP, Smack the Brick. The project finds the Allston act continuing to tighten their compositions, evoking something like a primeval Talking Heads with their now rather danceable grooves. It’s a far cry from the improvised punk stylings of, say, the band’s self-titled Tzadik debut, but I think they’re doing a nice balancing act of loose and tight at the moment, so I can’t really complain. Besides, they apparently have a split thing with B L A C K I E coming up, which may well see the return of their more free-improvised side. Until then, check out Smack the Brick above and enjoy!

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