Flying Lotus - "Coronus, The Terminator"

As October 7th inches closer, the more psyched I’m getting for the next Flying Lotus release, You’re Dead! I really enjoyed the track FlyLo dropped with Kendrick Lamar, but this new cut titled “Coronus, The Terminator” has an entirely different vibe to it.

The groove of this song comes on slowly, and there are some stunningly beautiful group vocals that grow in emotional intensity as the song draws on. In a way, it reminds me a bit of the strange stuff Cee-Lo used to dabble in on releases like his debut LP–but way more slow and dramatic, of course.

Given the track falls just short of three minutes, it’s not exactly an immense experience on its own, but FlyLo’s never been huge on the whole single thing anyway. Surely, this will be track that is complimented by the context of the record it’s placed on, and I’m looking forward to hear how it’s all pulled together this October.

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