Shabazz Palaces - "Forerunner Foray"

NEW SHABAZZ PALACES! The previously loved Seattle hip hop project has released another track from its forthcoming record, Lese Majesty. Just like their last LP, this one is looking at a release via Sub Pop Records. The date: July 29th.

“Forerunner Foray” is equal parts hip hop and electronic psychedelia. Fluttering synth sequences, spacey rhythms, and a plethora of effects make up the sonic pallet of this instrumental. There are even some short vocal interludes that sound like they’re being handled by someone in THEESatisfaction.

A lot of Ishmael Butler’s lyrics come off confident and brag-laden, but any grander meaning is eluding me at the moment. Regardless, another interesting tidbit from this forthcoming record.

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