Can Can Heads - Butter Life

<a href=””>Butter Life by Can Can Heads</a> A few months back, Finland’s Can Can Heads delivered a wonderful little musical curiosity in the form of their second full-length effort Butter Life. The group has actually been around since 1993 and has pretty much been doing whatever the fuck they want the entire time – very noisy, unrestrained, no-wavey rock for the most part. That’s what you get here on Butter Life, too, but the band’s material is so brisk, it always feels fresh. So, if you’re a fan of noise rock or are big into Finland’s experimental music scene (and with music like this, how could you not be?), then give this LP a shot. Happy listening!

Butter Life is out now via Karkia Mistika Records, Verdura Records, and Bottom of the Pops.

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