Xenia Rubinos - "Let's Go Out" (video)

Xenia Rubinos’ sleeper/stunner debut album, Magic Trix, came out last year, but she’s still churning out videos for it, including this new (and supposedly final) one for “Let’s Go Out.” On the album, the track works as a sort of deflated reprise of the great single “Hair Receding”, but taken alone, the song takes on a sadder, eerier, more eccentric tone. Accompanied only by a plinking synth and a slow, defeated-sounding drum, Rubinos delivers perhaps her most understated vocal take on the record. As such, it only makes sense that the video is similarly slow, minimal, and bracing. Featuring a single man half-dancing amidst bushes and grass, the clip is shot in stark, beautifully lit black and white. A couple closeups of a spider preparing his dinner are particularly stellar (if a little queasy). “Let’s Go Out” may be a weird song choice for a video – leaving people like me to wonder why she didn’t finally give a proper video to “Cherry Tree”, one of the best songs of last year – but the end result is sort of awesome.

Magic Trix is out now.

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