Tobacco - "Streaker" ft. Notrabel

Black Moth Super Rainbow frontman Tobacco will drop his third solo album Ultima II Massage next month, and from what we’ve heard so far, it’s gonna be a filthy, scuzzy affair. Now, if you thought lead single “Eruption” wasn’t filthy or scuzzy enough, this new one “Streaker” might just scratch that dirty itch of yours. This new song proffers perhaps Tobacco’s heaviest instrumental yet – overdriven electronics buzzing, whirring, and crashing in every which way, and even the vocodered voice is decidedly distorted and nasty compared to the lightness and gentleness typically brought by Tobacco’s vocals. He doesn’t care if he’s harshing our buzz this time around. In fact, I think he wants to, and that’s oddly refreshing. Stream the track above and enjoy!

Ultima II Massage is out May 13 via Ghostly. Check out Anthony’s thoughts on Tobacco’s last LP here.

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