Sleaford Mods - Singles Collection

Musically minimal and verbally maximal, this singles collection from Sleaford Mods is one of the oddest things I’ve come into contact with in the past month. Yeah, it sounds a lot like the Fall, but their use of drum machines and loops definitely sets them apart from them and any similar post-punk act. Not only that, but there seems to be a strong emphasis on societal satire in the lyrics, which is something I’m sure a Future of the Left fan an appreciate.

I could make numerous comparisons, but the insane rants and unadulterated rage displayed on this album is uniquely hilarious. The poetry behind the lyrics is actually pretty clever as well. Not bad for a set of tracks that sound like they were pulled together on a shoestring budget.

Also, I gotta tell you that these guys are actually planning on dropping a new record on April 28th titled Divide and Exit, which you can stream the first single from here. It sounds like they might actually be going for a fuller sound on this new record, which I’m very excited to hear!


Sorry, it just seemed appropriate.

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