White Hinterland - "Baby"

Austere and cold and knotty. These are some words I would use to describe the second track to drop from the new White Hinterland record, Baby. This title track is dramatic, playing with multiple layers of Casey Dienel’s voice (some of which are under some sort of robotic effect), skittering beats, and synth stabs, while still retaining the lite-R&B vibe she has taken to as of late. The refrain of “Is this my weakness?” grows more and more insistent, until the glorious climax, where all of her voices come head to head in their beautiful, gruff imperfection. Ending with a short coda of completely unadorned, almost-screeching voice is a brave move on Dienel’s part, and it pays off immaculately.

Baby is out April 1, via Dead Oceans.

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