OBN IIIs - "No Time For The Blues"

Orville Bateman Neeley (OBN) III has no time for the blues. The Austin frontman is all punk, all day – no bullshit. To call him, with his excited studio persona and writhing stage antics, electrifying would be an understatement; to say his bandmates present a flurry of  barnburning garage-punk grooves would be as much of one. So, I recommend just pressing that play button above and letting the music take you where it may. If you find that the things around you are starting to get broken, like lamps, windows, your monitor, and such – don’t worry; that’s just the OBN IIIs’ magic working.

“No Time for the Blues” is taken from the band’s upcoming album Third Time to Harm, due out May 27 via Tic Tac Totally.

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