Lykke Li - "Love Me Like I'm Not Made of Stone"

Lykke Li’s sophomore record might have been somewhat infamously spurned here at TND, but we are pretty stoked for her new one! Li has just announced her third LP, I Never Learn, and has released this gorgeous, heartbreaking video for album track “Love Me Like I’m Not Made of Stone”. The track features nothing but Li’s voice and a simple acoustic guitar, but that’s all she needs for this one. The melody slowly ebbs and flows into these painfully emotive peaks, culminating in the glorious climax around the 3 minute mark where she takes what seems like a natural, unplanned pause. The sadness in that rest is palpable. This song is all about Li’s passionate vocal. Simplicity has worked for her before (especially on tracks like “Silent My Song“) and it serves her very well here. Li claims this new record is comprised almost entirely of “power ballads”, and if they are all of this caliber, I think we are in for a (wrenching) treat.

I Never Learn is out May 6 via LL/Atlantic.

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