Neneh Cherry - "Out of the Black" ft. Robyn

The new Neneh Cherry songs–I love saying that–have been slightly underwhelming. “Blank Project” had its moments, but ultimately felt a little unfulfilling. “Everything” was better, but overstayed its welcome a tad. Now comes “Out of the Black,” and it’s arguably the finest taste of Cherry’s forthcoming record, Blank Project, her first 1996’s Man. Featuring a generous vocal contribution from pop mastermind/fellow Swede Robyn, the track feels a bit like a melding of two like-minded members of the same hierarchy. The recording is the same dry, percussive style of the last two tracks–again, produced by Four Tet–but the elements all congeal a little better than on those other songs. Nonetheless, it’s intriguing to hear her come back to solo work after all these years.

Blank Project is out February 25, via Smalltown Supersound.

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