HAIM - "If I Could Change Your Mind"

I’m astounded by the level of bad-assery this new HAIM video reaches. But just what is it that makes it so damn captivating? The concept is simple – the three sisters are moving along (choreography courtesy of Fatima Robinson) to Days Are Gone cut “If Could Change Your Mind,” an earworm if there ever was one. And there’s little in the way of set design; the glowing “HAIM” sign being the only piece, really. Of course what decor there is, it’s all very, very retro.

But HAIM’s execution, as always, is what keeps things from becoming that awful kind of “sickeningly retro.” The sisters aren’t romanticizing the past for the sake of it or because it’s in style. Frankly, they look a little dorky doing their thing in this video. Still, when Danielle pops the collar of her leather jacket here, you’d better believe it’s a sincere gesture. Really, this video as a whole is a sincere gesture – the HAIM sisters are making the music they want to make and you can tell they’re having a blast dancing to it.

And most importantly, they look completely assured. If you don’t wish you were up on that stage dancing along with them; well, tough shit – it’s your loss.

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