A Winged Victory for the Sullen - "Atomos VII"

A Winged Victory for the Sullen (aka the partnership of pianist/composer Dustin O’Halloran and Stars of the Lid’s Adam Wiltzie) released their debut self-titled record back in 2011, and it was full of beautiful, lush drones and striking piano. In other words, it was a good holdover for all of us SotL fans eagerly awaiting the band’s next record. But it seems we will have to wait a bit longer, as A Winged Victory for the Sullen are ready to release a follow-up. Entitled Atomos, it originated as a score for a dance performance by Wayne McGregor, and is now being released on its own. The first track from is the simply titled “Atomos VII”, and it features just what we’ve come to expect from this duo: it’s gorgeous, it’s weightless, it feels like it could stretch on for days. The string are a bit more aggressive than on their debut, but otherwise, this is a nice reminder of why this group wasn’t just a random offshoot.

Atomos is out later this year, but the teaser EP that “Atomos VII” is from is out April 28 via Kranky.

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