Linda Perhacs - "River of God"

Folk legend Linda Perhacs has a similar MO to fellow folkie Vashti Bunyan. Both released a seminal folk album in 1970, and then virtually disappeared from the scene. Bunyan popped up again in 2005 with the lovely Lookaftering. Now, Perhacs is following up her debut, Parallelograms, with a sophomore LP entitled The Soul of All Natural Things. She has released a track from it, “River of God,” is (no surprise) a pretty, hippy folk song with lots of words about nature, spirituality, and love. It might be a bit precious for some, but it is so aurally pleasing, and Perhacs’ voice still sounds deeply lovely.

Stream above, and open your heart to The Soul of All Natural Things on March 4, via Asthmatic Kitty.

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