Sampha - "Without"

Finally the voice that accompanied many of the great SBTRKT songs on this self-titled LP has released some solo work to go along with an upcoming EP, Dual, set to release July 29th.

Sampha is really able to stand out as he can maintain a smooth delivery in his R & B style of singing that still breathes with emotion–rather than falling into a flat, emotionless, generic sound. He does this by switching often to his fantastic falsetto that makes his voice and therefore him feel more vulnerable. The song really tackles that in its subject matter as well, with Sampha singing on how he can’t do one night stands and is always seeking for something more.

His production is pretty frantic and filled with a lot of mish mashed percussion and pretty offbeat, hypnotizing synths humming throughout. Those familiar with Sampha’s work with SBTRKT should feel right at home with this solo release.

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