Man Man - "Head On"

It’s been ten years since Philly band Man Man first started pulling together their unique blend of art pop, experimental rock, funk, soul, cabaret, and vintage pop. The band is now getting ready to release their fifth full-length, which will actually be their third for Anti.

Since the band’s stellar sophomore LP, Sex Demon Bag, I personally feel their material has been getting weaker and weaker. However, this new single of theirs brings a glimmer of hope, I think.

The band’s music has always had a pretty zany vibe to it, but that seems to melt away on “Head On,” which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. On their last two records, it almost felt like these “nuttier” sounds were being kept in place because the band wanted keep up appearances. With this new track, Man Man is standing on the merits of their songwriting, and that it. It’s not a bad move either considering frontman Honus Honus has always been a worthwhile lyricist, showcasing an ability to rehash old tropes, but insert some morbid imagery of his own in the process.

The synth melodies are breezy, and the string arrangements that come through toward the song’s finish are gorgeous. The chords have a certain sourness to them as well, reminding fans that Man Man will always have a bit of darkness to them–no matter how accessible the songs get.

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