Voivod - Target Earth

Stream: Voivod – Target Earth
Prepare yourself for a feast of delicious thrashy guitar lines and pumping bass and drums. Voivod certainly has all of that, and they have been around long enough to show that they’ve mastered it with some incredible builds and switches like on the self-titled album opener; where in the second half they develop the song in couple fresh directions making for a satisfying listen. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that there is some pretty fantastic songwriting here that goes along with the theme of the albums title, so you can probably guess what its general theme is. A pretty clear and modern comparison that comes to mind with these guys is Mastodon–especially in the vocal delivery. Also, if you’re a fan of acts such as Vektor, you’ll surely see how this band’s odd approach to melody has influenced bands such as that over the years.

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