Courtney Barnett- History Eraser

Hailing from Melbourne, Australia, singer-songwriter Courtney Barnett specializes in writing infectious garage pop/rock tunes. Her most recent single is “History Eraser,” and it follows the debut EP she released back in April, which is titled I’ve Got a Friend Called Emily Ferris. Stream the single above via her Bandcamp.

On “History Eraser,” Courtney exhibits a laid back, carefree attitude by way of raw instrumentation and a seldom melodic, somewhat conversational vocal delivery. Behind the song’s deceptive air of laziness, however, is an impressive amount of discipline. The band’s performance is tight, and alongside a love-stricken and sometimes humorous narrative, Courtney’s personality is highly charming. The ability to make such well-executed music sound so effortless is certainly respectable, and with this talent at her side, Courtney Barnett is wielding quite a bit of potential.

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