NO- "What's Your Name"

Absolutely gargantuan is the best term to describe NO’s sound on “What’s Your Name,” the A-side to their latest single. Almost every element of the song, from the drums to the guitars, feel burly and monolithic, culminating to form a song that the listener physically (as well as emotional) feels. The only element of the song that doesn’t feel like a metric ton monster are the vocals that harbor a profound sense of world weariness that really humanizes the song. Structurally, the track alternates from the aforementioned heaviness to explosive choruses where the previously ominous drums and guitar perform a sort of melodic sprint. A nice bridge where whistling replaces the fatigued vocals provides the perfect segue to the climactic conclusion where the enervated vocals are joined by the vocals of the other band members to great effect. Dramatic, melodic and with a great sense of dynamics, I’m very curious to hear what NO has to offer in the future.

The single is currently on sale via White Iris Records with the song “Eleven Elven” on the B-side.

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