Girls Names- "The New Life"

Hailing from Belfast, Northern Ireland, Girls Names are an ambitious indie pop band currently signed to Slumberland Records. While many of the bands signed to the venerable label are known for a dreamy brand of indie pop (e.g. Crystal Stilts, Frankie Rose, etc.), Girls Names distinguish themselves on their new single, “The New Life,” by achieving a marvelous groove. The track begins with a snappy drum pattern that shifts from one channel of audio to the other, a clever production trick that really messes with your head and engages the listener right from the get-go. Next, the thick bassline enters delivering an appropriately gloomy element to the song. Soon after, the sparse lead melody and rhythm guitar join in and complete the groove, with each instrument clear in the mix and each member of the band playing off each other wonderfully. The groove (that is soon bolstered by the vocalist’s melancholic moan) create a palpable and hypnotic landscape of dejection. Throw in a nice guitar solo and dissonant feedback towards the end of the track for some added color and you’ve got yourself a fantastic single.

Girls Names’ single “The New Life” can be pre-order through Tough Love Records.

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