Dirty Projectors- "While You're Here" (LOVED)

A wonderfully moving ballad from Dirty Projectors, which floats upon a bed of fantastic string sections. I’ve received quite a few comments saying I was a little unforgiving when it comes to the band’s last album; however, I don’t see myself coming around on the LP anytime soon. Such is life.

What I am happy about is this particular track streaming via the YouTube embed above is appealing to me much more. It showcases a certain sonic clarity and strange beauty that stuns me in a way words cannot explain. While the track does suffer from the curse of being short, it’s still an affective 125 seconds.

This song will be on a new EP from Dirty Projectors, which is looking at a November release via Domino Records. The title: About to Die. And from what I understand, this particular track is in memory of TV On the Radio’s Gerard Smith who passed away last year.


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