Bleeding Rainbow- "Drift Away"

While their sophomore effort, Yeah Right, might have been pushed back to January of next year, Bleeding Rainbow (formerly Reading Rainbow) have a new song for the blogosphere in the form of “Drift Away.” Very much in the band’s upbeat noise pop style, it offers a few curveballs to those who have been following the project since its inception. Having expanded in to a four piece, the band has three times the guitars hence the additional layers of fuzz. Still very much inspired by the classic punk ethos, “Drift Away” feels defiant and up for fun. While the brief instrumental section of the song isn’t terribly earthshaking, it’s a sign that the band is growing past the primitivism of Prism Eyes, their sophomore LP. Always catchy and, most importantly, always fun, I’ve always appreciated Bleeding Rainbow for borrowing the noisy guitar of layering of shoegaze (a genre stereotyped as dreary and emotionless) but in a upbeat, rah-rah fashion.

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