Stream Landscapes' Life Gone Wrong

Life Gone Wrong is the first album from melodic hardcore outfit Landscapes who hail from the UK. They are attempting to become another one of the few hardcore bands that is attempting to break away from the formula that seems to plague the genre.

They are doing with by taking their influences in a post-hardcore fashion and taking influences from other genres like punk and pop music. What this has done is effectively lighten up the riffs and toned down the ridiculous reliance on breakdowns. They haven’t made a huge step away from what the formula is when looked at objectively, but still feels fresh. There is a lot of nice texturing here that gives the album an unprecedented depth it’s largely the main reason I am enjoying the album as much as I am.

This is just their first full length album and looks to be a solid base to work from; I hope they continue in this direction in the future as it is far more appealing than I though it would be.

Grab a copy of this album on Bandcamp.

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