Mount Eerie- "I Walked Home Beholding"

Mount Eerie’s Phil Elverum drops another track from what’s going to be his second full-length album this year, Ocean Roar. It’s a slow, serene ballad featuring the kind of atmospheric synths that were so prevalent on this albums predecessor, Clear Moon.

Some of Phil’s lyrics leave me scratching my head a bit, too, but in a good way. The reference to leaving the studio at night toward the beginning of the track was a bit surprising. For Phil to be so blatantly self-referential and mention a convenience of modern living–as opposed to lakes, trees, mountains, and other nature-related topics–is interestingly out of character.

Maybe I’m making more out of it than it needs to be, but it’s surprising to hear Phil talk about himself outside of the surreal and Earthy world he usually builds for himself in his words. Maybe this track is working to blur the lines between these real and imagined worlds Phil exists within both mentally and physically. Afterall, the inspiration for one comes from the other.

Yeah, I’m probably reading too much into it. Still a pretty track, though.

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