Jens Lekman- "Erica America"

One of the most charming singer-songwriters on the Secretly Canadian roster, Jens Lekman, has a new album on the way in September titled I Know What Love Isn’t. It’s looking at a September 4th release date.

“Erica America” is an endearing little tune, loaded with delicate strings and lovingly strummed acoustic guitar. The drum beat has an almost sexy swing to it, and the background vocals help enhance the romantic vibe Lekman already brings with his warm, calming voice.

It’s a tight, detailed song, too. It’s got a lotta nice fills, buildups, and segues bringing the track from one phase to another. Little string licks interject in between verses as piano chords get embellished with great passion. There’s a swanky sax solo over the bridge on the track I adore as well.

I also have to give intern Chris a shoutout for getting me to sit down and listen to what Lekman has to offer on this next LP. I’m really looking forward to it now.

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