I Kill Giants- We Can Live In The Exact Same Place

I Kill Giants is a young band from Boston, Massachusetts that doesn’t like to waste anybody’s time. At least, that’s the impression I got from listening to their new album (“full length”? EP? single?) We Can Live In The Exact Same Place, released in May of this year. Although this album features eight tracks, its total runtime doesn’t even scrape the 6 minute mark. If you’re looking for well developed songs with good lyrics and refined instrumentation, I Kill Giants probably won’t do much for you; however, if blisteringly fast, youthful math rock with an emo-informed punk twist is your thing, this album is worth checking out. The highlight for me is the opening track “Life Instead Of Sleep,” which doesn’t even really start until halfway through its 44 second duration, but then suddenly explodes into an intensely emotive burst of gang shouted vocals and mathy guitars that lasts only 20 seconds. You won’t even know what hit you.

Give We Can Live In The Exact Place a listen or two. If you don’t like it, it’s no big deal–at worst, you wasted 6 minutes. Stream the album above and download it for whatever you want to pay over at bandcamp.

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