Grizzly Bear- "Yet Again"

With a new album from Dirty Projectors out now and records from Animal Collective and Grizzly Bear on the way, the upper-tier indie scene this year is looking a lot like it did in 2009. Grizzly Bear’s new single “Yet Again” is the second track to drop from their new record Shields, which will follow up 2009’s landmark chamber pop album Veckatimest. If “Yet Again” and the previous single “Sleeping Ute” are any indication, the band’s output is going to be a little more hard-edged this time around. Although it still bears the pretty harmonies and atmospheric elements that have always characterized Grizzly Bear’s music, the stark guitar chords and drums on this track indicate that they may be working more in some darker territory than that which they explored on their last album. Although Shields may not turn out as sunny or as refined as Veckatimest was, “Yet Again” suggests that maybe it’s not such a bad thing for this band to get their hands dirty again.

Stream “Yet Again” above and pre-order Shields now from Warp Records.

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