Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti- "Only In My Dreams"

“Only In My Dreams” is one of those rare moments in the Ariel Pink discography where his melodic pop genius completely transcends any sense of irony or humor in the music or lyrics. It’s simply a really great song, with an unrelentingly catchy hook, hummable backing harmonies, and a trebly power pop guitar lead that sounds like a crisp Autumn day. The song itself could have easily come out of the 70s, but this new music video is distinctly 90s-influenced, featuring plenty of grainy VCR-style footage that could have come out of a home movie. The video tells kind of a dreamy love story between Ariel Pink and a revolving cast of girls, including one to whom Pink gives a CD copy of his new album Mature Themes with a wink. It’s pretty funny to watch Pink posture himself as a big time rock star in this video, and calls into question once again whether Pink is sincere or serious in his music making. Normally I’d be interested in answering that question, but this song is too good for me to care.

Mature Themes is out now on 4AD. Watch the review of it here.

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