Hot Chip- "Look At Where We Are"

Just in time for my return from the Pitchfork Music Festival in Chicago this weekend, Hot Chip have released a new video for their In Our Heads cut “Look At Where We Are.” Although they didn’t play this track during their set on Saturday, their sunset-backdropped performance did reveal some previously unseen emotive subtleties to their music–subtleties that come in ample supply both on this song and in its accompanying video.

This clip was directed by Danny Perez, who notably collaborated with Animal Collective two years ago for their Oddsac project. Perez’s uniquely skewed creative vision lends a disturbing, dreamlike quality to the video, and makes the listener consider the song in a slightly darker context. The disorienting, pitch-shifting chorus and crystalline guitar sound particularly ominous when matched with Perez’s bizarre, occasionally psychedelic footage.

Watch the “Look At Where We Are” clip above, and pick up In Our Heads now on Domino Records.

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