Delicate Steve- "Afria Talks To You"

Stream: Delicate Steve- “Afria Talks To You”
After drumming up some impressive buzz for the release of their 2010 record Wondervisions, the Brooklyn psych-pop group Delicate Steve have a new album out called Positive Force. The single “Afria Talks To You” (no, that’s not a typo) was debuted a few months ago, and you can stream it above via soundcloud.

“Afria Talks To You” marks an interesting stylistic shift for Delicate Steve into a more pronounced R&B territory, in keeping with the recent trend set by artists like Dirty Projectors and Passion Pit. The track is instrumental, but its buttery guitar lead conveys soul and emotion. With squelchy synths and some electronic percussion,  this track is not exactly ‘delicate’, but it’s not really all that bombastic either. “Soothingly Bouncy Steve” might be more a accurate name this time around.

Positive Force is out now on Luaka Bop. Pick it up on bandcamp.

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