Murals- On A Passing Cloud

My buddy Zach at We Listen For You suggested this band from his back yard of Kentucky, Murals. Their new LP, On A Passing Cloud, didn’t really hit me at first, but a return listen has me enjoying quite a bit about their sound.

Folk is most definitely a foundational influence for Murals. Their soft approach and acoustic instrumentation screams it, uh, whispers it, rather. But a lot like the band Woods, they have a somewhat lo-fi and strange disposition, but even it out with some really beautiful added instrumentation. The opening track delivers a smooth, subtle groove that’s suddenly wrapped in delicate horns, organ, woodwinds, and whistling around the 2-minute mark.

The tracks on this album are loaded with colorful little tidbits like this. The songs can be quite sweet once delved into as well. Though it’s a short listen at about 20 minutes, On A Passing Cloud is still a nice grouping of weird little folk tunes that are trying not to wake the neighbors.


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