Guardian Alien- "See the World"

Recently one of my favorite bands, the New York black metal experimentalists known as Liturgy, lost a pivotal member of their band: drummer Greg Fox. While Liturgy has made no formal announcements breaking up the band, I imagine it would be tough to continue down the same path of intensity without Fox in the fold. This guy’s drumming style is so precise, yet, it comes off very fluid. On albums like last year’s Aesthethica, it was like listening to white, frothy waves of drums crash against guitars, bass, and black metal vocals.

Since leaving Liturgy, Guardian Alien seems to be what’s now demanding much of Fox’s attention. The project isn’t brand new, though. They had an album last year, but no doubt this new album of theirs will get a bit more attention now that they’ve landed on Thrill Jockey Records. See the World Given to a One Love Entity is the title of the band’s forthcoming album, and it’s also the title of this LP’s only track. A 37-minute track, I should add.

The stream above seems to be the first five minutes of this psychedelic monster, and it’s absolutely awe-inspiring. The guitars have some heavy, panoramic production on them, making them feel as if they’re bouncing off the stone walls of some ancient monastery where Tibetan monks prey on the regular. Fox’s drums are more on point than ever, and there are loads of indescribable sounds and textures floating through the haze of noise created by Guardian Alien’s cacophony of guitar and drums. It’s a stunner that I can’t wait to finish come July.

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