Roomrunner- Super Vague

Following the recent breakup of his noise rock band Double Dagger, Baltimore drummer Denny Bowen has launched a new project, which goes by the name Roomrunner. The band recently released an EP, Super Vague, via Fan Death Records.

Like many of the finest acts that touch upon this style, Roomrunner pulls together a sound that is both abrasive and catchy. The hooks are pretty infectious, but the band’s aesthetic isn’t without a defining elements of noisiness. Super Vague‘s first three tracks balance these two aspects relatively evenly, but the fourth, “Petrified,” takes the messy, lo-fi aesthetic to a further extreme, resulting in a charmingly dirty closer to the release. Spanning approximately ten minutes, the EP definitely doesn’t overstay its welcome, choosing instead to make its point in a concise yet effective manner.

Stream Super Vague above via Roomrunner’s Bandcamp.

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