Black Tambourine- "What's Your Game"

Stream: Black Tambourine- “What’s Your Game”
Until this year, noisy twee pop legends Black Tambourine had been defunct for over two decades. However, with this year bringing the arrival of the 20th anniversary of ’90s indie pop zine chickfactor, which vocalist Pam Berry co-founded, the band has decided to come out of hibernation for a handful of a shows and a new EP. Titled OneTwoThreeFour, the EP features no original material, but rather four covers of songs by The Ramones.

Above is a link to Black Tambourine’s take on the Ramones song “What’s Your Game,” featuring background vocal contributions from Rose Melberg of Tiger Trap/Go Sailor/The Softies, Kristin Gundred from Dum Dum Girls, Linda Smith, and Honeymoon Diary’s Jenny Robbins. The band runs the song through their characteristic filter of dreamy, girl group-influenced noise pop, and consequently makes the cover feel like a natural fit. It’s refreshing to hear them put their own spin on it instead of attempting to emulate the attitude of the original.

Listen to the track via the SoundCloud widget at the top of the post, and feel free to stop by Slumberland Records for both double 7″ vinyl and digital releases.

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