Teen Demon- "Mean Screamin'" / "Clean Dreamin'" 7"s

It’s only April and Brooklyn’s Teen Demon has had an extremely prolific 2012. Since January, the duo has already dropped four EPs, each of them tweaking the project’s sound just a bit.

These two new 7″s have been released simultaneously, and each has its own personality. “Mean Screamin'” seems to be mostly filled with just that: Primally grunted lyrics against some brutally intense riffing. It’s pure, unadulterated aggression with no particular target. Imagine a mad gorilla wildly swinging its arms in every direction, smashing anything in its path.

“Clean Dreamin'” is a bit more coherent by design. Its four tracks are intelligible, precise punk-infused indie rock tunes with a lot of gusto.

Stream both 7″s via the widgets above, and download each for free on Bandcamp.

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