Elvis Depressedly- “Waves of Bad Intention”

Stream: Elvis Depressedly- “Waves of Bad Intention”
Mat Cothran–a singer-songwriter known mostly for his work under the name Coma Cinema–has recently been pushing a side project of his, Depressedly. Under the Depressedly name, Mat has released a new track.

This project’s past releases are very similar to Coma Cinema, and usually just a bit more experimental with vocal distortion. “Waves of Bad Intention” is different from of all of these previous releases; it was recorded professionally in a studio. This may worry some since the raw sound is part of the appeal of Cothrans past work. However, the honest, depressed emotions are not lost in this new hi-fi quality.

The clarity improves along with the depth and texture of the Depressedly’s sound. Nothing is blown out or drowning out the vocals like in the past, instead the guitars and drums just help put further emphasis on the lyrics.

There is more info to come in the future from these studio recordings. Until then Cutters Only, The Ontological Anarchy of Elvis Depressedly a re-mastered collection of the projects Bandcamp releases is available on itunes now.

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