Consent- Conception

I suppose the Chicago band Consent left the cover art to its debut release white and empty–blank, essentially–because there’s not much in the way of visuals that could add to what the music is doing.

The band plays an ultra-abrasive brand of powerviolence. Yeah, it’s called “powerviolence.” How could a band possibly add to the aggression and abrasion of frantic grindcore song structures and hardcore attitude. Well, the band compliments its songs with ear-piercing electronic noise. Sometimes, in the case of track four, the use or introduction of the noise is pretty lazy. However, most of the time, it’s laced into these tracks pretty nicely.

Though the electronics are a nice touch, Consent’s two lead singers are what essentially bring the charisma here. Their vocal deliveries are absolutely enraging, and get my blood boiling.

You can download Consents debut EP, Conception, via a band-endorsed MediaFire link right here. There’s a stream above, too.

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