Andrew Huang- Ghost

Ghost is easily one of the coolest online music projects I’ve come across in a while. So cool, it’s difficult for me to categorize. Is it a song? Is it a music video? Is it something else?

Spearheaded by Andrew Huang, this project basically functions via a series of self-shot videos featuring musicians performing various instruments. All the performances remain in the same key, but it seems they have free reign to explore whatever ideas they’d like to outside of that single constraint.

All of these videos get featured on the project’s website, which you can visit here, and visitors are free to play any combination of the videos they’d like. Want drums? No problem? Need that guitar part turned down? Easy! Don’t want flute on the track? That’s cool, too.

The results, no matter how you roll the dice, is pretty ambient and formless, but always shares a surprising element of unplanned beauty. Check out the project here and see what’s up.

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