La Dispute- "King Park"

I think the first time I ever heard of post-hardcore outfit La Dispute was in a blogTV. Someone had sent me a song to be reviewed, I played it, and a majority of reactions were pretty negative. I think mine was especially bad.

It had to be at least a year ago by now, so I’m positive it was a song from the band’s first album, Somewhere at the Bottom of the River Between Vega and Altair, and I think I had just about every negative feeling you could have with a post-hardcore song: annoying, whiny, melodramatic.

The band has a newly released sophomore album titled Wildfire, and I’m starting to think that it’s possible that me and this band just got off on the wrong foot; especially if there are more tracks on this album with the intensity and storytelling of “King Park.”

On this track, the lyrics detail a shooting where an innocent bystander was killed. It’s something that’s usually glossed over in a 30-second story on a local news network, but La Dispute gives the story the detail, intensity, and time such a horrendous act actually deserves.

Stream the song above and look for this album now on No Sleep.

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