Check Out Dark Descent Records

As you guys may already know, I love metal. My problem is I have a hard time finding metal I like. I have a lotta gripes with modern metal production. I think a lot of magic is lost an age of overly compressed guitars and musicians performing their respective parts to click tracks.
The roster on Dark Descent seems completely devoid of that pish posh. Yeah, I just said “pish posh.” Who cares?

Below are just three samples of releases these guys have released this year. The first is Italy’s Undead Creep. Who knew Italians were pumping out death metal this hard, loud, and grimy. The thrashy riffs that start off this track are absolutely killer.

Just below that is another death metal outfit from Finland: Cryptborn. By comparison, they’re much dirtier. The guitars feel like they’ve got more fuzz than volume to them. It’s got the feel of a demo, but the drums and the vocals keep the intensity up. Loving the feel of this one.

The final of the three tracks comes from Thantifaxath, which is a pretty interesting Canadian black metal project. This is Thantifaxath’s first demo, and it’s sounding pretty cohesive and fully realized. Not really what you’d expect from a demo. The vocals and dissonant guitar leads create some pretty intense moments throughout these tracks–especially the one linked below.

So check out this label, click here to see their recent releases, hear the bands below, and stay awesome.

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