Nick Waterhouse- "Is That Clear"

Now here is some revivalism that I can get behind. Nick Waterhouse is a San Francisco-based singer and electric guitar player with an obvious affinity for classic 1950s R&B and rock ‘n’ roll. His ability to recreate this kind of music in the 21st century musical climate comes in quite clear on his new digital EP Is That Clear, which combines tracks from his sold out Some Place 7″ and his forthcoming Is That Clear 7″, out September 15th. In order to get the soulful, gritty sound that he employs on these tracks, Waterhouse uses vintage recording equipment from the same era that his music is derived from.

On tracks like “Is That Clear,” embedded above, his yelping, powerful vocals and blistering guitar playing transport the listener back to a different time, when pop music evoked different feelings and emotions. While other contemporary revivalists such as Dirty Beaches seem to use this style of music just to make a point, Waterhouse is only trying to make good tunes. Needless to say, he succeeds. The four track digital EP Is That Clear is out now, and the 2-song vinyl 7″ of the same name will be out soon on Waterhouse’s Pres Records imprint.


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