Feist- "How Come You Never Go There"

Hugely successful Canadian solo artist, ex-Broken Social Scene member, and iPod commercial star Feist announced her new album Metals a while ago, but until recently listeners have not been able to hear what the album is going to sound like. Based on this first taster track “How Come You Never Go There,” it’s going to sound pretty similar to her previous albums–which isn’t a bad thing.

The track slow-building, with soulful horns, guitar and some pretty backing vocals. Of course, they’re all situated in the mix under the distinctive lead vocals of Leslie Feist herself. Feist was arguably one of the first artists to establish herself with that quirky, female ‘indie’ voice, and while many artists–Zooey Deschanel and Ingrid Michaelson, for example–have since tried to cop her style, nobody really does it the way that Feist does. It also helps that her lyricism vastly outshines her indie pop songstress competitors.

It’s nice hearing Feist explore a soulful side on this track, and if it is an indication of the album’s overall sound, listeners can expect Metals to be a pleasant, if not hugely engaging listen. Stream the track above, and head over to its soundcloud page for more information.

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