M83- "Midnight City"

Huzzah! M83 has seen fit to drop a track from its forthcoming double album, Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming. The track is titled “Midnight City,” and it’s streaming right now via SoundCloud. It’s also downloadable on M83’s website.
If “Midnight City” is any indicator, this album is going to be one of 2011’s more sizable and ambitious pop albums. October might be too late to actually restore my faith in this year’s pop output, but I’ll wait contently if all the songs are this good.

The anthemic melody and hard-hitting synthetic drums sound absolutely exhilarating. The understated vocals are low in the mix, but they don’t sound nearly as boring as most artists who try to pursue a similar sound do. The production features a perfect amount of reverb, too. The effects complement the song, not drown it out. The sax solo toward the end is a great touch as well.

I’m stoked.

Look for Hurry Up on Mute Records on October 18th.


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