Valentin Stip- Anytime Will Do EP

Valentin Stip’s debut EP, which is out now via World and Sound, is a small look into the head of this French-born electronic music producer. Many of the sounds and timbres here sound very tangible and acoustic, but the emotions are cold and nearly lifeless–I mean that in the best way possible, of course. The moods on Anytime Will Do are as relaxing as they are dark; much like an introspective, tell-all session with a therapist might be.

I would liken the music here to that on Space Is Only Noise, the latest album from Nicolas Jaar, but maybe that’s too obvious of a comparison. Not only do Nico and Val share similar ears for samples, but this new EP is actually on a new label Nico started.

I loved Space Is Only Noise, so if this label is going to be catering artists with a similar flair, I’m not complaining. Here’s some cover art for ya:

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