Top Girls- "Truth"

A week ago, I ranted a bit about my coming to terms with the rise in popularity R&B has been seeing on the blog-o-sphere, and the acceptance moves far beyond loving the new Drake single or something like that. There are loads of artists embracing the sound in numerous ways, and some are more experimental than others.

I knew the more I dug into it, the more I’d find that I liked, and here’s another example of that: Top Girls‘ “Rise.” It’s a North Carolina-based project that only seems to have released this single and an EP.

In comparison with that 2010 EP, the recording quality on this new track is much better. The sounds glisten, and the beat hits in a way that’s both sexy and unsettling. It’s a nice, soulful atmosphere. A little repetitive, but I’m looking forward to where this project is going.


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