pneu- "grill your eyes"

I don’t know who the crazy mullet-haired boy is in the picture below, but he sure makes for a good album cover–especially when that cover is fronting an album of insanely tight instrumental rock.

The band is pneu, and the album is highway to health.

On the track streaming above, “grill your eyes,” the guitars sound like exactly that: A sizzling grill, which awaits a hard face-plant. Against some intricate drums, dizzying riffs and guitar leads move through one confusing passage after another. The track is kinda like running through a maze, and it’s difficult to find a sense of direction the first–or even the second–time through. Thankfully, it’s a fun track to listen to, so revisits are easy.

Look for highway to health on Head Records. Y’all can find it on Amazon, too.

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