Castle- "Disputed Truth"

Castle is the solo effort of rapper Chris Um’Rani–or maybe it’s “Frank,” because he does refer to himself with that name quite a bit in this music. And allegedly, this is supposed to be his last release for a while. According to his Bandcamp page, he’s tired of of the way the music business works. Record label frustrations, it seems.

Quickly, I’d like the say the internet has changed the way everything works these days. Artists don’t need labels to get popular and gain a following. If you’re willing to work at it, there’s no reason to just up and quit.

But back to the music: While the flow isn’t perfect on Castle’s latest LP, Ditch Effort, the beats here are very cool and spacey; plus, this guy is spitting some real damn talk! That’s what “Disputed Truth” is all about.

The lyrics here analyze humanity’s addiction to lying. By no means a positive song, but the first step toward fixing the problem is admitting it’s there. Stream the song above, and listen to the rest on Castle’s bandcamp.

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