Julie's Haircut- "(Your Life's Highlights for the) Academy Awards"

Julie’s Haircut makes the kind of music that inevitably gets described as “sunny.” If you listen closely, however, there’s a psychedelic edge, and enough tartness to tone down the sugar.

This cut, “(Your Life’s Highlights for the) Academy Awards,” is from their 2003 release, Adult Situations. Yes, that’s jangly guitars and an occasional Pixies-ish frenzy you’re hearing from this Northern Italian band. It’s no retro move; the band has been at it since 1994, wending their way from Euro-prog to garage punk and noise rock–including collaborations with Damo Suzuki of Can and Spacemen 3.

Nonetheless, their sound stays close to the catchy heart of 90s indie pop, and this track pops with the best.

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