Death Grips- "Full Moon" (Death Classic)

I’ve been getting a lot of e-mails pointing my ears toward Death Grips. There’s talk around the blog-o-sphere about who is involved with this project and how. Names like Zach Hill keep coming up, too, which doesn’t surprise me since some of the production moves on this track remind me of his latest album.

There’s also a lot of talk about this being rap music. Though I’m not one to step in and say what genres can and can’t be, let me just say this: If this music is rap, then it’s the noisiest, most punk’d out rap to come around in a while.

This isn’t really something you vibe or groove to, y’all. The lyricism isn’t even that fantastic. Instead, the focus of Death Grips’ “Full Moon” is on creating an all-out sonic assault between its off-kilter drums, disorienting samples, weird repeats, and high vocal mix. Of course, the vocal screams are pretty brutal on the ears. There’s some flow to the words, but that’s quickly interrupted by some hi-volume growls.

Hear more tracks from the project’s new record over here.

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